Number of days with daily highest

The number of days with daily highest 8-hour mean ozone concentrations higher then 120 µg/m3 are published in the table below.
According to EC directive 2002/3/EC the target value for the protection of human health, is the daily highest 8-hour ozone concentration that cannot be exceeded more then 25 times days per calender year averaged over three years. The averages over three years are published in the yellow table cells. The orange table cells indicate a value higher then 25.
Besides the averages over three years the number of exceedances is also published per calender year. 2010 will be the first year to calculate compliance with the directive.
The long-term objective for the protection of human health, is no more exceedances of the daily highest 8-hour mean of 120 µg/m3.
This table will be updated every day at around 07:00 AM.

stacode city region 201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024(*)
41B004Brussel (Sint-Katelijne)Bru  8867557812885 
41B006Brussel (EU Parlement)Bru  96681111       
41B011Sint-Agatha-BerchemBru  12111011911172124151514 
41MEU1Neder-Over-HeembeekBru        272723131513 
41N043Voorhaven (Haren)Bru  55343471014898 
41R001Sint-Jans-MolenbeekBru  742213711141087 
41R012UkkelBru  131191199141720151817 
41WOL1Sint-Lambrechts-WoluweBru  7431 134669  
42N016DesselFla  141312161717272831181918 
42N027BreeFla  171311151720272829171817 
42N035AarschotFla  151411141418252730181817 
42N040Sint-Pieters-LeeuwFla  121189914222324141514 
42N045HasseltFla  14141215171919      
42N046GellikFla  13108131517232527161615 
42N047HasseltFla          25151716 
42N054WalshoutemFla  121110121013202326141411 
42R801BorgerhoutFla  8643225710369 
42R811SchotenFla  14129111315222324141314 
42R831BerendrechtFla  8668911151820151514 
42R841Mechelen (Technologielaan)Fla  9888999      
44M705Roeselare (Haven)Fla  643347121415999 
44N012MoerkerkeFla  544599121313101112 
44N029Houtem (Veurne)Fla  5533458911888 
44N051IdegemFla  121179710202224172118 
44N052ZwevegemFla  75443713171912115 
44R701Gent (Baudelopark)Fla  1185569141720141211 
44R710DestelbergenFla  1197879131819131313 
44R740Sint-KruiswinkelFla  8968710141617111312 
43N060Havinnes Wal  665556111216989 
43N063Corroy-Le-GrandWal  109796916202414143 
43N066EupenWal  14131011910212329101214 
43N070MonsWal  676635121521131510 
43N073VezinWal  111110151314212527161514 
43N085VielsalmWal  13151113101016172010109 
43N093SinsinWal  1613911810152226171412 
43N100DourbesWal  181813161214202431212015 
43N113Saint-OdeWal  1615912911211922131312 
43N121OffagneWal  14127121012161722131411 
43N132Habay-La-NeuveWal  171411141213182125151311 
43R201LiègeWal  1194          
43R221HerstalWal   139969172223121112 
43R222Liège (ISSeP)Wal  11979710182224131212 
43R240EngisWal  131310131115252123121413 
43R401NamurWal             9 
45R502LodelinsartWal  88475716192211118 

(*) Not validated data.
"NA" means that there were less then 75% available days in the summer season (april-september) with sufficient measuring data to calculate the daily highest 8-hour mean ozone concentration.