Information about the top 10 report

CELINE-IRCEL publishes daily through internet a bulletin in which the 10 highest concentrations of the main pollutants (as well as the meteorological parameters) are presented. This information is obtained from the air quality telemetric networks of the 3 Regions (Flanders, Brussels et Wallonia).

Following the kind of pollutant (or meteorological parameter), the top 10 report presents half-hourly or daily concentrations.

The measuring networks are ruled by the Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM), the Brussels Institute for Management of the Environment (IBGE), the Institut scientifique de Service public (ISSEP) and the Direction générale des Ressources naturelles et de l’Environnement (DGRNE).

In addition to the pollutants listed below, the Regions measure also heavy metals, poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAK), dioxines, etc.

Those pollutants are not measured automatically and as a consequence, they are not available to  CELINE-IRCEL on a daily basis.

The following pollution and meteo parameters are presented in the top10 :


name symbol in top 10 unit expressed as
Sulphur dioxide SO2 µg/m3 Daily average
Total Particles DUST µg/m3 Daily average
Small particles PM10 µg/m3 Daily average
Carbon monoxide CO ppm Half-hourly maximum
Nitrogen dioxide NO2 µg/m3 Half-hourly maximum
Nitrogen monoxide NO µg/m3 Half-hourly maximum
Ozone O3 µg/m3 Half-hourly maximum
Hydrocarbons (minus methane) CnHm ppm Half-hourly maximum
Aromatic hydrocarbons CxHy ppm Half-hourly maximum


name symbol in top 10 unit expressed as
Wind speed WSP m/s Daily average
Wind direction (1) WDIR degree (coupled with wind speed)
Atmospheric pressure Pressure hPa Daily average
Temperature TEMP degree C Daily average
Rain Rain millimeters Total journalier
Relative humidity Rel Hum % Daily average

(1) 90°=Est, 180°=Sud, 270°=Ouest, 360°=Nord